
Before you need an “adult timeout”, try sharing what is challenging you (tantrums, biting, sleep habits, diet, discipline, etc. ) with the group and let others share what they do for those same situations!

I didn’t want to call this an “Advice” section, because I feel that it is more of a  “Sharing Experiences with Others” page or a “What do you do when..!” page.  We don’t know what you have been through, or how you do things to be able to give you advice. Only you know what you are comfortable doing. BUT..we can share what works for us and you can see if that fits your lifestyle or not. This group has moms, dad, grandparents, caregivers, teachers, and professionals with great ideas and tips they have tried and work for them.

 1) You are not alone!
As we raise children, we experience different challenges with discipline, social matters, behaviors, and just growing up.  Sometimes we don’t realize that others are experiencing the exact same things. I sometimes feel that after we realize the fact that we are not alone, it makes it easier for us to find a new solution that works.

2) Share your situation.
So here’s a place to share a particular situation that you are currently experiencing and want to hear how others handle it. Add a comment below about what’s challenging you…. for example: “My son only throws tantrums at the grocery store.” or “My daughter has gotten in trouble at the daycare for hitting others, and I have tried time out, but she’s still hitting.”  (You don’t need to leave your real name or email if you don’t want to.) :)

3) I’ll post and others can share their 2 cents.
I’ll share these situations in a post with the group and then open up for comments so that others might share their own take on the situation. Now do you see why I called this the “Sharing :)” section of the blog?

4) You ROCK!
Again, just remember that you are doing the best job that you can do at being YOU. No one else can do that any better than you.

Hugs! ~Jennifer

5 thoughts on “Timeout!

  • August 3, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    We have a child who believes that every to is her’s, and she will hit and scratch a child on thier face till they bleed to get the toy. When we ask her to sit down, she cries. Her father tells her to be good and points his finger at her, she imatates this move to other children after she hurts them. I have tried to redirect her when I see her getting ready to hurt another child, but she continues to do this. Any other suggestions to stop this behavior?

  • August 5, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    My 2 1/2 year acts as though getting a time-out is a big joke. My husband and I both have difficulty getting her to stay in her time out spot. She hardly ever stays in time out for entire 2 minutes. She takes our attention to get her to stay in time-out, which we feel defeats the purpose of a time out. Any ideas to having her stay in time out without gaining extra attention?

  • August 8, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    My 1 1/2 year old thinks it’s funny or it’s “a game” to smack. When we say “No, No. Don’t hit. It’s not nice to hit,” he will just look at you and smile and do it even more. If we try to take him away from the situation he throws a tantrum. Any suggestions on how to get him out of the smacking phase?

  • December 26, 2012 at 10:30 pm

    My 14 month old has been banging his head on the floor when he is upset, or even against the wall, and on in his high chair. At first I tried to sit him in a chair as a timeout, which I realized shortly afterwards was a ridiculous idea as he is only 14 months old. I began reading a book on discipline, and I ensure he is not about to hurt himself, and ignore it now. He still closes to do this from time to time? Any suggestions, should I continue to use extinction, or should I do what I do when he attempts to touch the sove- which is go to eye level, clasped his hands, nod and then say no and redirect. Thanks in advance for your comments.

  • March 10, 2013 at 1:17 am

    When my 1 1/2 year old son throws a tantrum or does something naughty, we sit him on the couch and is told why is is in time out, he is not allowed to move from there until given permission, we are very serious with him when it comes down to that moment, otherwise he wouldnt take us seriously. I would recommend given your toddler a serious look on your face, once he is on time out, pay no attention to them. If they try to get out of it then, stick with being serious and letting them know that they must sit on their corner until given permission to get up. My son Dylan is a tiny “tazmanian devil” but when it comes down to time out, he knows better, once you give your child a look that they know you are not kidding around, they will take you more seriously. I’m not hard on my child but I know that if i dont discipline him well enough, it well be harder as year go by. Love your babies, but know when to be strict with them. Especially at time out.

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