Make a fun Toddler Cat book


Toddlers, Activities, Games ( :Make a cat book for on -the-go!

Cats, Cats, Cats!
It’s time to look at some cats. This is something that you can make and take with you to have on hand while waiting in line at the store. Print out the sheet of cats and cut them on the lines. Then either use a stapler or hole punch to string them into a little book. While you have your toddler in the cart and are waiting to checkout, take out this book and look at all the fun cats. Talk about the colors, the sizes, and how they look different! Be sure to make some cat meowing noises too!

Toddlers, Activities, Games ( :Make a cat book for on -the-go! 2


– print the sheet of CATS
– scissors (for adult use only)
– stapler or hole punch and yarn/string

– Why not put some contact paper of the sheet before cutting so that your mini-cat book lasts longer!

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2 thoughts on “Make a fun Toddler Cat book

  • June 24, 2012 at 9:11 pm

    What a great idea – all my friends thank me for telling them about this site. It is soo great to see creativity that can be implemented with big bucks. Thanks TT

  • June 24, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    What a great idea – all my friends thank me for telling them about this site. It is soo great to see creativity that can be implemented with OUT big bucks. Thanks TT (is what I meant to say)

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