Pretty Felt Shapes Flowers!

Felt Shape Flowers
Make a bouquet of flowers for that special someone! You’ll need a whole bunch of felt pieces of different colors. Cut out circles, squares, and triangles of different sizes. Have a pile of big shapes, a pile of medium size shapes and a pile of small size shapes. Be sure to cut a 1/4 inch slit in the middle of each piece. Then let your toddler choose a big shape, a medium shape and a small shape and stack them together. Then take some pipe cleaners and feed it through a button, or some foam shapes then feed the ends through the stack of felt shapes and twist in the back to make a beautiful felt flower! (Be very careful with small objects and your child trying to put them in his/her mouth.)

– scissors
– felt sheets of different colors
– buttons, beads, or foam shapes
– pipe cleaners

– Ask your toddler what color and shape she picked for the flower. Or just ask her to pick a certain color for the pipe cleaner stem.

– Put them in a paper cup and let your toddler arrange them for that special someone!

– They can be easily flattened to fit into an envelope so it makes mailing them easier!

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