Toddler Game for On the Go!

Here’s another one to take along with you for grocery shopping or running errands.

Toddler Games with business envelope

Take a business envelope with a window on it and cut out a small picture of something small and put inside, then seal/tape up. Then let your little one shake the envelope around to find the picture inside.

Peekaboo! :0 Maybe keep one in your purse for the checkout line?

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2 thoughts on “Toddler Game for On the Go!

  • May 16, 2012 at 8:39 am

    Love this idea…going to make one right now!

  • June 23, 2012 at 7:04 am

    The other day I got the mail just before leaving the house to go somewhere. As getting the mail is something I often do together with my 21 mo son, and he usually carries it into the house, as soon as we got in the car he started asking “mail? mail?” I passed back an envelope like this one (junk mail) and it kept him occupied for about 10 minutes, just as it was! This is a great idea!

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