Make a Ghost Bus (ter)!

Please always be sure to supervise your little ones with any of these activities, and be sure they don’t put things in their mouths.

Toddler Ghost bus (ter)

All you need for this activity is a white egg crate ( unless you want to make some other colored ghosts, lol).

When you are done with your eggs, wash out the egg crate with soap and water.

Then cut out the cups and use a black marker or pen to make the ghost eyes on each. You’ll only need about half of the cups.

Now let your toddler help to put the ghosts in the bus ( or the top of the egg crate ) and slide it across the floor or table to you. When the bus gets to you, you can tell her that it’s the bus stop and one ghost can get out.



Use this as a counting activity and have your toddler count the ghosts as they go in the bus or out of the bus.

Put the ghosts around the room on the floor and let your toddler push the bus around the room to go and pick them up!

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