Toddler Toddler For the Modern Toddler Activities

Toddler Activities for Modern Toddlers!  A resource for fun daily toddler activities, crafts, & games!  You might use your computer, digital camera, and some neat craft supplies to help keep your child entertained in today's world. The world is not limited to construction paper, toilet paper rolls or Elmer's glue.

Secret Toddler Activities


Road Signs  -
Let your toddlers have fun directing traffic in your home! Print out the sheets of road signs and let your toddlers color them in. Then cut them out and let your toddler choose where they should go. For the traffic light, let your toddler color in the three black outlined circles red, yellow and green and cut them out. Then when you get to that sign, let her put the right color circle in the traffic light, telling you to stop or go!  Tape up all the signs to the walls, doors, hallways and then walk around and follow the signs!

Supplies Needed-
- print out stop sign/oneway, RR/oneway, traffic light
- crayons/markers
- scissors

You can print out several copies so that you can have many stop signs or arrows pointing you around at each hallway intersection!

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